Monday, July 4, 2011


There are only two months left before I have to return to the joys of  full time student life, and I've realized there is still so much work left to do that I might not get it all done before my time runs out.  I've decided to compile this list to keep me on track for the remainder of my summer break.  

In No Particular Order...

- Finish writing at least one of the 4 novels I've started
- Post 5 more video's on YouTube (at least)
- Blog at least once a week before September  
- Read another "for fun" book series in it's totality
- Use my sewing machine again
- Clean up my computer room
- Organize my documents and picture files on the computer
- Learn how to play the zombie theme for C.O.D on the piano!
- Clean out under my bed... eeep!
- Play the Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog sheet music until I just can't do it anymore.
- Get my cell phone fixed and talk to someone about my bill..
- Finish sorting out my schedule for school this upcoming year
- Eat as normally as I can before End of August lower braces bonding.. eeeeeep!
- Read more work by Hawthorne
- Watch my Jane Austen movie collection in full
- Re-organize my book shelves and see what I can sell.
- Get my sleep pattern back on track...

hmmm so much to do.. and so little time to do it in..  ahh! just remembered that 2 weeks in August i'm going to be in Spain... well.. luckily July just began.. Gotta get Moving! Less blogging more working..

p.s I know my last post seemed a bit "emo" but rest worry free dearest blog followers, I was just going through a "moment" and im much better now.. I kind of felt like I'd hit rock bottom but now I've  begun moving in the only direction possible- UP!  Someone wise once told me, you are your own problem.. but as such, only You can be your solution.  Here's to a fresh start with no mistakes and a successfully satisfying remainder of the summer! <3

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