Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013.. A New Year For Change.

       My cousin google'd "Ways to be a Better Person" and found a list of about 50 things... She chose the best 20 that suited her needs and I think that these ways might benefit all of us to be a better person for 2013 so I thought I'd share it with you:

1- Forgive those who have offended you, even if they are not sorry.
2- Thank those who have helped you, even if they never thank you.
3- Be kind to those you need nothing from. 
4- Care how stranger feel, even though they dont care how you feel.
5- Watch what you say and do and how it affects others. 
6- Never use lousy emotions to justify lousy behaviour.
7- Be the change you want to see.
8- Do good without anyone doing, when no ones looking and don't do it for the praise.
9- Let go of anger and don't use it as an excuse to act poorly.
10- Let go of selfishness by loving others as much as you love yourself.
11- Let go of self abuse and love yourself enough to love others.
12- Learn to love the loveless.
13- Accept that others have the right to disagree with you.
14- Accept your choices and actions and life's circumstances.
15- Tell the truth even if it hurts you.
16- Don't gossip. 
17- Give up something you love to help someone in need.
18- Care more about learning what's right than being right.
19- Great things take time. 
20. Let it Be.

          If everyone tries to make this change, we will all be better people and then society will be a lot better in general. My cousin suggests that you keep this list somewhere visible to you- on your fridge, on a wall in your bedroom, on your cell phone- and read it daily.  We can change the way we act and ract, if we work at these 20 changes even a little at a time.  If you recognize that you need to make these changes, you're one step ahead of the game and already have your feet pointing in the right direction. 

It isn't easy to make these changes but if you can, you will be greatly fulfilled and each small change will not only benefit you but everyone around you. 

So put your best foot forward and have a great new year!!!!!


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