Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's A Snow Day!!!!!!!!!!

The part of Canada that I am currently living in has been ferociously attacked by a raging blizzard of 20-35 centimeters of snow!  It is soo fantastically exciting because the university had common sense to close for the day because no one would be able to make it nor have the will to do so.

I intend on spending the day with my family in my parents house eating, drinking tea, reading Austen's Sense and Sensibility among other novels that I have to catch up on.  And staying in my pajamas all day! My sisters and I quite enjoy lingering about the house on a blistery winters day soaking up the family chaos and surviving the stir-craziness that comes with being locked up in the house an entire day.

What are you doing for the snow day? (those of you who live in the same area of the country as myself or who are in parts of Manitoba dealing with much more snow than we have here) I hope you are enjoying your day resting and lounging about in your fuzzy slippers - I have yet to find mine.

So I decided to brave the storm and go outside in my pj's and boots to get some pictures of the wonderfully white scenery so that my readers far and wide can get a glimpse of what we are seeing from our windows.  I returned inside quite cold and rather covered with snow. 

Anyway here are some pictures of my house in the new blizzard conditions and the aftermath of last night, enjoy and comment and e-mail ( please you know I love my fan mail (if I ever get any) :D  Enjoy!

From inside looking out the window to the right
from inside looking out the window with the curtains closed
looking out the window to the left
standing on the front porch looking left
standing on the porch looking forward at the covered lawn (you can't see the rock wall partition under all the snow!)
standing on the sidewalk outside facing the house
standing on the driveway facing the front left window and our trademark snow wave on the roof
standing on the driveway facing the giant mound of snow on the lawn from the shoveling
from the porch again just before going back inside
 I hope these pictures make you happy to be inside warm and snug and not outside facing this insane amount of snow. 

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